Basic geometry
Geometry: is the area of knowledge that studies elements and operations.
Point: it is a place or location where two lines intersect.
Line: a dimension of the object formed by infinite points.
Ray: The line starts at a particular point.
End point: is a point at which a line segment or lightning ends or starts.
Point of attention: the point is between the end points of the line segment.
Line Segment: is the line with two points.
Straight line: the points follow the same direction.
Plane: Cut two parallel lines and two others.
Length: it is the measure of something from end to end
Geometry drawing
Freehand: Draw without instruments.
Line / Technical drawing: Draw made with help instruments.
Compass: is an instrument to draw circles and arcs.
Protactor: is an instrument that measures or draws angles.
Set squares: there are two triangles. They are special rules.
45th triangle: Is that placed next to two formed a square?
Triangle 30º / 60º: used to draw parallel lines.
Draft: used to give something away
Marker: It is open to whose fibers pressed to write.
Ruler: Used to draw a straight line. Its an instrument.
Circunference: When the circle it's full,it's line around the circle.
Center: It's the point that is in the same distance to all circle.
Radius: It's half of a linesegment from center to perimeter.
Diameter: It's a linesegment that pass two the center.
Chord: It's a line that's conect two points but not pass to the center.
Arc: Segment of a circle.
Arrow: It's a perpendicular line from the middle to arc.
Tanged: It's a line that cut in only point the circle.
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